
Garden Dreams

Ok, so I've been dreaming of starting my own garden for quite some time now... And I wanted to share with you because I've finally succumb to my dreams... I did it! Look at how beautiful garden turned out:

......Gorgeous, no?

Ok, so I kid. Not about the aspirations of having my own garden full of luscious fruits, veggies and herbs, but about having it done.

In fact, I haven't even begun. But I will. This little plot of weeds and bramble will soon be a gardener's paradise.

I promise. Soon. And it's gonna be awesome.

And of course, I'll share it with you..because this is just another thing that's gonna help my family chip away at that [large] pile of debt!


My Frugal Easter: DIY Easter Grass

I've been storming with ideas and ways to save on my daughter's Easter basket this year and came up with a genius (and FREE) way of making my own Easter Grass. Now I know Easter grass isn't the most expensive thing on the shopping list, but in my life, every penny counts. So, here's my little DIY tutorial for Easter grass. Enjoy!

What you'll need:
  • Electric Paper Shredder
  • Easter-y colored Scrap Paper (I used left over scrapbook paper from a Christmas project I did- it was just the right amount!)

  • Shred the paper in the paper shredder.
  • Put it in your Child's Easter basket.
  • Really. That's it.
You can see the results below. Isn't it pretty??? I love all the different colors.

This was probably the easiest craft I've ever done. And the best part? It cost me ZERO dollars! And if you ask me, I think it looks much better than that plastic grass that gets EVERYWHERE. You could probably even use this after Easter to cushion packages you mail out. See, it serves a double purpose. Love it!

So, what's your most frugal Easter idea? Share it in the comments below!

I'm a Damsel in Debt: Rescue Me!

One of the reasons I wanted to start this blog was to lay it all out on the line- to show what I am going through, what I am doing, and where I am going with my efforts to get out of debt.

I also wanted to be vulnerable and to be someone who you can relate to.

I guess you could also think of this blog as kind of an accountability and maybe a means to be an encouragement to what you're going through as well. I want to show you my financial situation on a regular basis and share with you ways to keep that debt rolling out the door.

Let's face it, going through something like this alone isn't as fun as having someone there with you. Sometimes that debt-free light at the end of the tunnel seems like a far distance off. Like 1,000,000 miles away. Seriously.

But- I know without a doubt that I can get there, and I know you can too.

Before we get into all of the ways that we can help ourselves get out of debt, I'd like to start with my financial story if that's alright with you.

My Story
When I started this journey of getting out of debt, my family's income looked really great. We were making the most money we had ever made in our almost 6 years of marriage, we had just enrolled into Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University (which I HIGHLY recommend) through a local church, and we were getting things right. It was awesome!

I felt that since God gave us this extra income, we needed to be good stewards of this blessing. I felt that God was telling us that this was our second chance to get things right.

Our whole perspective on money changed and our finances quickly did an about-face. In just a short amount of time, like a month and a half, I felt like we had finally taken control of our finances. We even paid off 3 or 4 debts. It felt amazing!

Then, right after we got our budget worked out and were gaining a lot of financial traction, our income was cut in half out of nowhere and we were back to square one. It was devastating.

But after the tears went away and I was able to think more clearly about the whole situation and what had happened, I can honestly that I was not worried. I knew God was going to take care of us and He the one who is going to supply our needs.  He gave us that promise, and I believe it!

So all of that brings me to this very moment and to the creation of this blog. God laid this blog idea on my heart because I know many of you are desperate to get out of debt and you don't know where to start and you aren't sure how you can possibly do it with your limited resources.

I felt the same way just a few short months ago and I want you to know there is a way out. I am living proof of that. I am just a Damsel in Debt and I need to be rescued too!

I encourage you to join me on this amazing journey of becoming debt-free. It's going to be fun, it's going to be weird, and most of all, it's going to change your life.

You won't regret it, I promise!


Hi, My Name is Vanessa...

And I'm in debt.

About 130k in debt. And that's NOT including the mortgage.


It hurts when you lay it out on paper and you realize what kind of mess you got yourself in. But thankfully, I've got some stuff working on my side:

  • God-Yep, the big Guy upstairs really does care about my finances
  • Dave Ramsey- This guy is awesome. My husband & I have a budget for the very first time in our almost 6 years of marriage because of his Financial Peace University Class
  • Money Saving Queen- Her website and money saving tips keep me from performing performing mindless shopping sprees that would end up costing me tons of $$. And the best part? She teaches that frugality can be really fun. And I like the sound of that.

    So, I've decided to start this blog to help keep me accountable (and sane) during this journey to become financially free. My goal is to lay it all out on the line- my budget, my money mishaps and successes, and the ways my family are getting out of debt.

    I want you right along there with me- for encouragement, for guidance and sometimes for a swift kick in the you-know-what. I know I'll need it, and I hope my journey will help you and bless you as well.

    I've already got big plans for what I'm going to be posting and I am super-excited to share them with you. So, hop on and let's go for a ride. :)

